Jews Withdraw from Associations Frankfurt - Report on the decline of cultural associations due to withdrawal of Jewish members (16 February 1934) Source: Dokumente zur Geschichte Frankfurter Juden 1933-1945 [Documents of the History of Frankfurt Jews 1933-1945], (Frankfurt/Main 1963), p. 86-7. 1) Because of the Jews' refraining from visits to the theatre, there has been a decline of 550 memberships in the year 1933. Based on 50 Marks per member, the total is a loss of 30,000 Marks for the year. The assessment of the loss in ticket sales for individual shows is around 100,000 Marks. The "Association of Friends of the City Theatres", which was 90% Jewish, has dissolved... 2) The Museum Association lost 40% of its income from memberships and ticket sales in the winter of 1933/4. The decline is due primarily to the fact that Jewish Circles refrain from visiting the museums. 3) In the year 1933, 270 Jewish and 50 non-Jewish members withdrew from the Frankfurt Association of the Arts...The number of members is at present 600. About 50% of the members resigned in 1933.